Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Pick a cover for the Darkening Archipelago

Two weeks ago I submitted the final draft of the Darkening Archipelago’s manuscript to NeWest Press for publication. The Darkening Archipelago is the second book in the Cole Blackwater Mystery series and is set in BC’s rugged Broughton Archipelago. Cole Blackwater and Nancy Webber are back, and are attempting to unravel the mystery of a first nation’s activist gone missing while investigating a virulent strain of sea lice that threatens to devastate wild salmon stocks in BC. A full synopsis can be read here.

NeWest has provided me with some possible cover options. The design for The Darkening Archipelago is similar to that of The Cardinal Divide (see below); but instead of a stylized image we’re going to use one of a few beautiful photographs provided by my friend and colleague Alex Morton. I’d like your feedback on the cover, and to know which cover option you think best suits the book.

Recall that the general tone of this second book is very dark, both for the protagonist Cole Blackwater, and for the entire ecosystem along BC’s coast, where salmon are the life blood and are threatened by salmon farming with a precipitous demise. Please use the poll on the right hand side of the page to mark your preference, and the comments section at the bottom of the page to elaborate or make further suggestions on the cover of the book.

The Darkening Archipelago is scheduled for release in early 2010.

(Cover One)

(Cover Two)

(Cover Three)

(The Cardinal Divide cover, for comparative sake)


Donna said...

Hey Steph,
first congratulations on getting your second book done!

I feel strongly that option 2 suggests "dark" best. It's the birds. The say mystery, they say possible wrong-doing.

donna barker

river rider said...

Cover 1 with the blueness of sky greyed a bit more. Harmful creatures emerge from mist, water speaks of movement, salmon, passage. I enter into this image. Cover 2 is ok too, but those birds look migratory not menacing to me. Cover 3 is far to optimistic.

dman said...

I'm with cover 1 as well. The tall image has three visual areas: top, middle, and bottom. Each has to have interesting and identifiable objects. This image has those qualities and in its entirety has a mysterious feel due to the low clouds.

Best of luck on sale Steph.