Talking about Writing
Since the Cardinal Divide was released I’ve had the opportunity to do two readings, one in Canmore, Alberta on November 13th, and the second in Calgary on December 17th. It hardly qualifies as a break-neck pace for a book tour: my style is more opportunistic. Until someone comes along with a publicist and event organizer in tow, I’m going to pick the low hanging fruit.
Neither reading was to a sell-out crowd (Cole hates sell-outs….), but both were fun! I want to thank Joy and her staff at Café Books in Canmore, and Chris and the gang at the Alberta Wilderness Association (who went way beyond the call of duty with the masking tape outline – see below) for hosting the events.
The reading was fun, but as Edward Abbey liked to muse, writers like talking about writing as much (or more) than they like writing itself, and so gabbing with friends and book lovers about the books, the writing process, and what’s next for Cole Blackwater was a great.
In January I’m off to Saskatoon to do a reading, and at some point before the tulips come up I’m going to have to pull something together in Victoria.

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