Ups and Downs
I had hoped to be writing a note about the forthcoming publication of the next Cole Blackwater mystery at this time, but it seems that book publishing in Canada has not been exempt from the vagrancies of the global economic flu. My publisher wrote recently to inform me that they are putting off publishing The Darkening Archipelago, the next book in the Cole Blackwater series, until the spring of 2010.
This is a disappointment, and I’ll admit not just because I wanted to see the DA in print. What I want is to see the next book after the DA in print, and soon. I have more ideas than I know what to do with, and waiting for books already written to be published feels somehow constricting.
The simple fact is that writing just about anything creative, from my short essay-like entries on my blog Running Towards Stillness, to penning the Cole Blackwater books and other bits of fiction, is what brings me the most professional happiness and satisfaction. To be able to do this more regularly, without having to shift my attention to so many other professional matters such as fund raising and consulting, I need to actually earn a living at it.
It’s a dilemma that many aspiring writers face.
And so publishing The Cardinal Divide has had its share of ups and downs. People who have read it seem to really enjoy the book. Some of them write me to tell me so, which blows my mind. Connecting with a reader who has enjoyed the book brings tremendous satisfaction.
Doing readings for the book hasn’t. I flew to Saskatoon in the dead of winter to read for four people! There were five in Calgary. Mind you, I enjoyed talking with the people who were in the room, bless their hearts. I would have liked a bigger audience, buying more books is all.
All that said, penning Cole Blackwater stories is very satisfying. And I can promise you three books, though who will publish the third book is yet unknown. I know that takes a little suspense out of the process for you as a reader. Spoiler Alert: Cole doesn’t die at the end of book one or two. But I make no promises after that. The first three books are really written as a trilogy where Cole must not only confront the external challenges of mining, fish farming and urban development, but also the internal battle of fear and anger that threatens to consume him. How that turns out for Cole is part of the mystery.
Enjoy the Cardinal Divide, and know that the Darkening Archipelago is on its way, if delayed a few months. Hopefully the adage is true that good things come to those who wait.